
Versa Cardio has an impressive competitive IP portfolio, including the user-friendly V-Patch Solution and a custom-built BPM system, which has facilitated rapid market penetration due to its simplistic and intuitive approach. The V-Patch sensor, notable for its size, weight, and ease of use, has simplified adoption. The fundamental component of our system is the IDTF operational/diagnostic/BPM solution, featuring  "mass central ECG data pooling" UI designed for efficient editing bulk ECG data and diagnostics. This novel streamlined interface benefits both ECG technicians and physicians, providing a more efficient approach to ambulatory ECG patient diagnostics.

3D model of a human with the V-Patch attached to the chest

Versa Cardio's operational platform achieves robust functionality through comprehensive automation. It seamlessly integrates an instantaneous view of processes and tasks, setting it apart as the unparalleled solution in the industry. With years of experience in the IDTF sector and expertise in software development UI, we are equipped to efficiently task, track, identify, and deliver both statistical and operational data. Versa Cardio's Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility (IDTF) has been meticulously crafted from the ground up, designed to efficiently scale while incorporating robust features.

Accuracy - Speed of Process - Quality

Our processes and technology have been deployed nationwide leveraging a Web 2.0 like approach and cloud service providers, with a focus on scalability in both systems and workflow processes. Our strategy continues to invest in research and development to assure we are at the cutting edge of ECG telemetry diagnostics.

Holding patents for Wireless medical diagnosis and monitoring equipment, the founders and affiliates strive to develop new and exciting technologies.

Our Team

"What sets us apart is our team. We are a group of passionate, experienced individuals dedicated to improve diagnostics and customer experience includes engineers, developers, cardiologists, IDTF professionals and leaders from Nokia, Samsung, Apria and much more. Our diverse skill sets, combined with a shared commitment to our mission  positions Versa Cardio at the forefront of our industry."

Our Vision Realized

Develop compact, wearable ECG monitoring devices that can wirelessly transmit data to a central monitoring system. Enable real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing healthcare professionals to intervene promptly in case of emergencies.Implement alert systems for critical conditions or irregularities.

By The Numbers

Versa Cardio stands as a dynamic provider of ECG Telemetry Diagnostic and Services. Our track record showcases continual growth and innovation in the market. Through the seamless integration of our solutions into healthcare providers' practices, we not only enhance patient care but also liberate valuable time, rendering healthcare providers more efficient and adaptable.